Neillsville Earth Day Cleanup
The Friends of the Black River teamed up with Clark County supporters April 27 to hold the first Earth Day Cleanup in Neillsville. Nearly 48 volunteers turned out to cover a three-quarter mile stretch of O’Neil Creek, nearly three miles of roadway and about 10 acres of public lands. The cleanup resulted in 58 tires, a chest freezer, mattresses and several illegal dumpsites getting removed from the land.
Kevin Syth from Greenwood contributed his dump trailer and took a load of the large items to the landfill. He also donated $111 to cover the cost of the disposal.
Other supporters included the city of Neillsville, Clark County, Hanson IGA, Neillsville Chamber of Commerce-Clark County Economic Development, Sav-Rite Building Center, Ratsch $Engineering, Hardee’s, Sniteman’s Pharmacy, Dairi concepts, Russell’s of Neillsville and the Neillsville Kiwanis Club.